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5 basic exercises that don't require any equipment

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It's hard being stuck at home, isn't it? 

Well, I know you too are just scrolling down your phone the same way looking for something new on Instagram. But just STOP! Seriously! Do something fresh and new. Something that could renew you. Something which will make you feel better and not drowsy.

 In this post, I bring to you 5 basic exercises for which you don't require any equipment. These exercises can be done on a daily basis if you aren't an active gym-goer. Do as many reps as you feel like. But first, you have to start. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." So, why not just start with 10 reps for each exercise? Start from scratch and increase the number of repetitions daily. Good idea, right?! So, without further ado, let's see what these 5 exercises are.

1. Push-ups. If you want to tire your arms out, there is nothing better than doing push-ups. This traditional exercise is really beneficial for your upper body. Push-ups is a must when doing an upper body workout. And guess what? You don't need any equipment to perform this exercise. This is  a good strengthening exercise for the shoulders, triceps, chest muscles, abdominals and pectorals.  

No. of calories burnt : In general, push-ups can burn at least 7 calories per minute. 

2. Squats. Squats is an extraordinary exercise for the legs. If you're doing a complete lower body workout, this exercise is supposed to be included. Squats are great for quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. 

No. of calories burnt : Squats burn an average of 35 calories per minute. It burn the most calories in a minute than other exercises. 

3. Sit-ups. This is the best exercise for your core. An ultimate core building exercise. There are a variety of sit-ups such as obliques, crunches, reverse crunches, etc. But stick with the basic! Doing at least 30-50 sit-ups a day could be good enough for a start. Increase the number 5 everyday and I'm sure you'll find good results in 3 to 4 months if you take things slow and easy. 

No. of calories burnt :  On an average, you can burn 3 calories a minute while doing sit-ups at a moderate pace. If you do the same at a vigorous pace, you can burn at least 9 calories a minute.

4. Planks. An exercise that stores great value for the core. It strengthens your back, chest, shoulders, arms, diaphragm, and chest. Doing a plank helps you improve your posture. It's one of the best calorie burning exercises. It helps you burn your belly fat near the abdomen. Doing a plank everyday for 1 to 2 minutes can really help strengthen your muscles. 

No. of calories burnt : You can burn 2 to 5 calories a minute doing this exercise, depending upon your body weight and muscle to fat ratio. 

5. Mountain Climbers. This one is a compinf exercise that works on several muscles and joints at a time. This exercise works on your abs, obliques, pelvic floor, glutes, hamstrings, quads, triceps and much more. It helps you maintain a good posture while sitting and standing. This basic move is great for HIIT and strength training. Doing 50 to 100 reps everyday can be a good start. 

No. of calories burnt : You can burn 10 to 15 calories per minute doing this exercise, depending upon how much you weigh and the intensity of your workout. 

I hope you found this post really helpful. Doing these 5 exercises on a daily basis can really help you tone your body and strengthen it too. Stay tuned for more fitness regimes. Follow and subscribe to my blog! Comment below to let me know how helpful this article was for you. Thanks for reading! 😉


  1. This looks so cool. I even tried all the exercises. I did 30 reps for push ups, sit ups & squats, 70 for mountain climvers, and 1 minute plank. Truly amazing work, Inayat!!

    1. Amazing Sarah! Happy to know about your dedication. Thanks so much for trying this out.


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