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10 mindsets that are holding you back in life

Success! Everyone is running after it. Everyone wants it. But at the end of the day, who is the person who achieves it? The person with good habits and great mindsets. If you're mindset is always negative, it's more like impossible to achieve what you want to. 

And what about habits? They reap characters. You're good habits will lead you to form great mindsets and paradigms about life in general. 

Habits and mindsets are rituals. Action done repeatedly become habits. They are those actions that you do and maybe don't notice because they run on autopilot. 

Your mindset helps you cope with situations. The way you react to any situation is defined by your mindset. Sometimes your mindsets are the ones that bring you down in life. This is why, it's really essential to form positive mindsets in your lifetime for success. 

YOUR habits and mindsets will turn your dreams into actualization. If your habits and mindsets are well and strong, it isn't hard to reach for the skies. 

In this post, I'll be highlighting 10 mindsets which might me holding you back in life. But before moving any further, I have a question for you all. Why do YOU think having a good mindset is important to accomplish success? Take a minute to think about this. 

Hardwork, persistence, focus, commitment, positivity, motivation and a lot more other factors are crucial to achieve what you want to in life. But an amazing mindset forms the base of everything. This is why self trust, goal setting, positivity and other mindsets are the ones which help you get at the top. Your positive mindsets will also help you to stop self sabotage yourself.  

10 Mindsets That Are Holding You Back In Life 

Given below are 10 mindsets that are not letting you get any further in life. These mindsets are not letting you soar high. To break open from the cage, it's important to let go of these toxic mindsets. Without any further ado, let's get started! 

1.  Unspecified Goals (Beginning with no end in mind) 

Everyone has a dream that they want to turn into reality. But does everyone plan how they'll get there? It's important to map that out. You're the driver of your life. You know your destination. But when you don't know where to start from, how will you get to where you're planning to go? Visualising your targets and the path will always help you get to where you want. 

2. Procrastination 

Stop procrastinating! It's essential to take action right now. Stop delaying your work because even you know that if you keep it delayed, it'll never be done. If you keep procrastinating, you'll never have time to open up for something new. This is why, finish your old work to do something fresh and new. This will also help you to manage your time better. 

3. Playing the Victim Card 

Do you keep blaming others when things don't go your way? If yes, then this is a mindset that is holding you back from success. A lot of people do this to seek attention or because they aren't willing to take up any responsibility upon their shoulders. Whatever your reason is, just STOP doing this because this will land you nowhere. 

4. Thinking Win-Lose

If you're going down, it's important to pull that sucka down with you. Do you keep that mindset with you? Always think win-win. Never should you put yourself down or put anybody else down. Don't let yourself be used as a doormat either. The win-win mindset seeks mutual benefit for all human interactions. 

5. What will people say? 

Suppose your aim is to become a humanitarian. You have amazing brains and your family tells you to pursue medical sciences or engineering. What will you pursue? 
                Overcoming pressure is really important. Don't be stressed about what you're supposed to choose. Just pursue what your heart tells you to instead of fiddling with your mind about the same. This isn't only the case with education, it's almost everything. Don't worry about whatever others will talk about you. Just stay determined! 

6. Comparing and competing

No, I'm not asking you to stop having healthy competition. This one is when you compare yourself to others for like everything in life. On the basis of riches, clothes, foods, and a lot of big and small things in life. This one is so much related to no. 4 - Thinking Win-Lose. When you keep thinking about letting others down and making them lose, you're not focusing on winning yourself. 
When you're one arm is focusing on pushing someone down, it'll be hard to climb up. If both your arms are striving to reach the top, it's so much easier to get there. Compare yourself to only one person - YOURSELF. Make sure that you are better today than you were yesterday. 

7. Self Doubt 

Each one of us is guilty of this one. It's important to know that at one point when no one trusts you or believes in you, you must believe in yourself. I have also had a long and tough time eliminating self doubt. Positive affirmations will really help you remove self doubt and will help you believe in yourself. Instead of saying "I'm not sure, I don't think I can do this" just say, "If I try, I can definitely do this". 

8. Excuses 

I'm really good at making excuses. But now I'm fed up. How long can you go making excuses for every small thing? When making excuses you aren't letting yourself grow. Instead, you're limiting yourself in every area of life. Learn to take responsibility of your life and for your deeds. Excuses only help you to reduce some short term burden. But to make something put of yourself, it's important to stop making excuses. 

9. Negativity 

At times you are surrounding yourself with negative energy. That energy may come from your own thoughts or from someone else that you know. Avoid such kind of people who only give you negative vibes and no happiness and joy. Positivity holds great significance in one's life. People with negativity, bad attitudes and catastrophic thinking are like plagues. Give up on such people and move on further in life. 

10. Perfectionism 

Nobody's perfect! Even if you hear this everyday you still end up striving for perfectionism. When you don't achieve perfection, you complain and get mad at yourself for nothing. The aim in life isn't to become perfect. It's to become better than before. Perfectionistic tendancies may lead to depression, anxiety and stress. Don't calculate self worth on the basis of merit and achievements - EVER! 

Please leave your views in the comment section. Feel free to add any other toxic mindsets in the comment section which I may add in the list. Happy reading! 


  1. Very articulate and thought out! Agree with you.....

  2. Inspirational post! Really helped me undertsand what I'm lacking

  3. Insightful! Great work Inayat ... Waiting for the next post ...

  4. Woww👏👏...This was so inspiring.. Well done ❣️👏❣️

    1. Thank you so much for the appreciation! 😊

  5. This is really good! I needed this♡


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