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How can you stabilise your Mental Health?

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. ~ Winston Churchill 
I was recently listening to a podcast episode of Teenager Therapy where the co-hosts asked questions and discussed the topic of bullying and Mental Health with guest Maggie Lindemann, an Instagram sensation, singer, and songwriter. The episode caught my fancy and I was eager to write something about the importance of Mental Health and how one can have stable mental health. 

Similarly, Sushant Singh Rajput's (former Bollywood actor) death saddened me deeply. I realized that death is never beautiful. Suicide is never the answer. Instead, one should be grateful for a beautiful and healthy life because you will never get to live this life again.

So let's go in deeper and uncover the answers related to keeping positive mental health. 

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What is Mental Health?

Mental health refers to how an individual makes crucial decisions in life and how well he or she can cope-up with stress. It is not only a state of mental, but physical and emotional well-being as well. An individual's mental health reflects in his or her behavior, mood, etc. 

Why is Mental health important? 

Keeping stable mental health is important as it affects your body, your soul,  your heart, and your mind. A lot of people go through depression and anxiety. In today's world with all the stress an individual has to deal with, it's hard to stay composed. One may get easily depressed as he or she might be influenced by peer pressure or pressure from parents or relatives. But, you should never cave-in in pressure. 

Always listen to your conscious first. Consult your parents and friends but make your decision based upon what you feel best. One thing to remember is to keep on going, no matter what. Because once you've reached so far in life, why give up? Dealing with depression is hard. But instead of keeping your anxiety within yourself, talk to people who you know would listen to you and won't judge you for what you want to say to them. That person could be a parent, teacher, friend, or maybe grandparent. It could be anybody who you trust and you know would help you go further in life rather than take you down. 

7 things that can make you feel uplifted 

So, now that you have understood what mental health is and how important it is to keep your mental health stable, let's move on to learn about a few things that can help you feel uplifted when you might feel inferior or depressed. These 5 things can help you get out of the blue and feel like you're at the top of the world (they help me feel that way about myself). 

1. Listening to music. When I feel sad or I just don't feel like talking to anybody, I listen to music. Music gives me joy. While doing homework or completing my pending notebooks, I listen to songs to keep myself entertained throughout. It's a ritual that makes me feel ecstatic as I sing along with my headphones on. 

2. Listening to Podcasts. A new thing that I've started doing is listening to Podcasts. Either an interview, a discussion on a particular topic, or world news is something I love to hear in the mornings or evenings. I would also like to share my list of Podcasts that I follow on Spotify in one of my next posts. 

3. Reading a book. Many of you might think this is a boring one. But seriously, you should try it once. Reading a fascinating novel while I'm in bed is my me-time. A mystery/crime/horror book does wonders for me when I don't feel too well. 

4. Exercising. Exercising doesn't just mean doing something really hard-core. To uplift your mood, you may go out for a walk, go cycling, or even dancing. Anything which makes you sweat and elated at the same time! Just doing some cardio can do wonders for your body and your mood. 

5. Watching movies. Watching movies is the best way to keep yourself composed, according to me. Everyone might have a different take on this, but I personally believe that movies transport you to a different world. Every time I'm watching a movie, it feels like I'm in the shoes of a character and playing the part. That's what I love about movies because I forget my worries in no time. 

6. Journaling. In one of my previous posts, I've stated how journaling is an important day-to-day life activity which cannot be skipped. Journaling helps a person to analyze their situation and options and what is best for the person. Click here to learn more about the benefits of journaling. 

7. Meditation. Meditation is one of the best ways to lift your mood immediately. When you're feeling down, just start taking some deep breaths and meditating. Click here to learn about a 15 Minute Basic Yoga and Meditation Program. 

Thank you so much for reading. I hope that you found this post helpful for making a positive impact on your life. Try these 7 things that can definitely help you lift your mood. 
         Also, if you're interested in sharing other methods that help you feel uplifted, you are most welcome! The comment section is all yours. 


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