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Showing posts from August, 2020

Happy International Dog's Day

 A dog is a man's best friend..   This is a common phrase that you may have heard considering how loyal and affectionate dogs have always been to humans. These social pack animals have contributed so much to our human race.  Dogs will always forget of the little bad things that might've happened to them. But they'll always love their owners unconditionally and never be mad at them. They'll always have your back, no matter what!  International Dog's Day is celebrated every year on August 26. This day is about giving respect to dogs of all breeds. A day to encourage dog adoption.  In this post, I've spread out a number of ways you can celebrate this day with your furry friend.  10 ways to celebrate your furry friend 🐶 1. Go for a long walk. If you're dog is no longer a little pup, take it outdoors for a longer walk than usual. Somewhere it may have never been. Let it roam around themselves so that they can have a taste of freedom...

Study Tips For Exams

 The months of August and September are stressful for every Indian student - school or college-going. These months bring up EXAMS. These exams mark the end of the first semester. Most of us start studying around 3 weeks before exams. But a few students prefer studying a day before their exams. It may seem as if this last minute cramming technique works but it doesn't - at all. So, it's high time to gear up and start studying! In this post, I bring to you 5 efficient study tips that will help you score great this semester.  8 Study Tips For Exams  1. Study with intervals.  This technique is recommended by most experts. If you're studying for half an hour, take a break for 5 minutes and then continue studying. If you're studying for 45 minutes or one hour, take a 10 to 15 minute break.  These short breaks help you reinvigorate your mind and start fresh. This also helps maintain focus. During this short break, you can eat a snack, take a quick shower, m...

10 mindsets that are holding you back in life

Success! Everyone is running after it. Everyone wants it. But at the end of the day, who is the person who achieves it? The person with good habits and great mindsets. If you're mindset is always negative, it's more like impossible  to achieve what you want to.  And what about habits? They reap characters. You're good habits will lead you to form great mindsets and paradigms about life in general.  Habits and mindsets are rituals. Action done repeatedly become habits. They are those actions that you do and maybe don't notice because they run on autopilot.  Your mindset helps you cope with situations. The way you react to any situation is defined by your mindset. Sometimes your mindsets are the ones that bring you down in life. This is why, it's really essential to form positive mindsets in your lifetime for success.  YOUR habits and mindsets will turn your dreams into actualization. If your habits and mindsets are well and strong, it isn't hard to reach for the ...

Knowing your Body Type (Are you an Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or Endomorph?)

Fitness goals! Most people definitely have one. Some want to gain weight, some want to lose, and others want to maintain it. And why not? You probably want to look better, you have a desire to look unique and perfect, or you want to lead a longer and higher quality of life.  According to your shape and body structure, you may be categorized as an ectomorph, mesomorph, or an endomorph. These are the 3 principal body types. Your body type is completely based on your genetics. But that doesn't mean that you can't change your body type.  Bringing a little variation in your lifestyle can definitely help you achieve the fitness/weight goals you're trying to reach.  What is your body type?  ↠ Ectomorph. If you're body is thin and lanky with a small bone structure, you fall in this category. Ectomorphs have really fast and high metabolism. Which is why, whatever they eat won't help them gain any weight.          So...

ATTENTION! Gear up for "Walking on Sunshine and Sanitizer!"

Don't limit your challenges, challenge your limits!  To help many stay fit and healthy during these tough times,  Sassy Teen  blog brings to you  "Quarantine Fit Fest - Walking on Sunshine and Sanitizer!" A cash prize competition where you can showcase your fitness level.  Some healthy competition which will help you test your limits, where you'll get a chance to compete against people in your age group and fitness level. Here are some guidelines   for the competition (Please read every point carefully to not miss out on anything):  1. What is the competition about? This competition is video based where the best set of video exercises will be awarded. The set of exercises will be given through email once you sign up for the contest.  2. How to sign up for the "Quarantine Fit Fest"?  To sign up, email me  right here . The entry fee is 150 INR. You may Paytm the fee after you get a 'received' email reply along with details of ...