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How can you sleep better?

In one of my previous posts, I gave 5 tips and tricks you may follow to wake up earlier than your usual time (click here to read that post). Here's the thing; to wake up early, it's important to sleep early too. 

But maybe you are one of those night owls who likes to watch television late at night whereas you might want to get in bed early at the same time too. That's a little too impossible. But don't worry! In this post, I'm going to give you a few tips and tricks that will help you to hit the sack early and sleep better. 

As I have to wake up early in the morning, I too find it hard to wake up early when I sleep late the previous night. I started changing the night routine a bit which was a definite aid. So I thought, why not share these tips with you guys too. 

5 Tips and Tricks to help you sleep better! 

1. Drink milk. You may or may not know this but milk has melatonin in it, a hormone which regulates your sleep cycle. Milk and it's products also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps induce sleep. If you're one of those people who have trouble falling asleep or want to sleep early, milk is the key.

2. Lower the temperature in your room. Turn on that air conditioner and reduce the temperature of your room. Reducing the temperature of your room may definitely help you with getting a better sleep. Make sure not to have the desired temperature at freeze. Ideally, the best temperature for your sleep ranges from 16°C to 21°C. 

3. Sleeping in a dark room. Your body is programmed to sleep when it's dark. Take advantage of that fact and switch off most of the lights in the room. This helps you get a better sleep. 

4. Stop having caffeine supplements late in the evening. Caffeine makes your sleep pattern irregular. Drinking coffee or tea in the morning doesn't have as much negative impact on the body as it has in the late evening.

5. Take a shower before going to bed. Relax, shower and bed! Taking a quick shower before going to bed is a great way to refresh your mind and body. Even if you're not willing to take a shower, putting you feet in warm water is a great way to relax. This is definitely an amazing trick to help attain better sleep. 

I hope this post was helpful to you. Have an amazing day and sleep better than your previous night 😅. Thanks for reading! 


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