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13 random facts about me

Before beginning with my post, I would like to tell you that I have achieved a milestone with my 20th blog post. This has been a small goal but I'm elated to have achieved it. So, on this special occasion, I bring to you 10 Random Facts about Me that you might not know. So, let's get started!

#2 I love cycling. This is what I love to do in the mornings and evenings in vacations. I could go on long rides on my bicycle. It makes me feel happier. Cycling on roads and going from one place to another might not be the ideal plan for vacations for a lot of people. But for me, it really is!

#3 I'm a die-hard Jonas brothers fan. It's hard to choose favourites but I would go with Joe Jonas. For me, he is the coolest of the three and has an amazing vibe. 

#4 I adore dogs. I even have a beagle myself whose name is Bruno. I've always wanted to keep either a Labrador retriever or a Beagle. My mom wasn't convinced to have a dog in the house but we finally got one. Dogs are the cutest creatures to me. 

#5 I once met Rafael Nadal when I was 11 years old in Mallorca, Spain. I remember writing a 3 page letter to him the previous night. I'm not sure if he ever read it, but he was sure happy to receive it. I was really glad to shake hands with the tennis player who is considered the G.O.A.T. 

#6 I find people with a good sense of humour very likable. It's so important to have someone that can make you laugh even in the worst of times. A friend who can lighten up the mood with a witty and humorous joke is so good to have. 

#7 I love learning new languages and singing. Other than tennis, these are two things that I have a knack for. I rarely sing in front of a lot of people but I'm definitely a good bathroom singer! 

#8 My sleep is the most important thing to me. I just cannot be sleep-deprived. I act cranky if I don't get my Zzz's. I have to wake up at 5:45 am every morning. And I generally sleep at 10:15 pm. Even more than 7 hours of sleep isn't enough for me. Im not a very great morning person! 

#9 I love watching movies based on the genres comedy, romance, mystery, crime and thriller. Horror movies generally aren't my thing. Not only movies, I even love watching series belonging to the same genre. I prefer watching non-fiction over fiction. 

#10 My goal is to win Wimbledon (The Mecca of tennis) and achieve the World no. 1 spot. Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal are my inspirations. Roger's smooth game and Rafa's physique and fitness are what I love. 

#11 I once got lost at Hyderabad airport. I didnt have a cell phone at that time which is why I had to contact my dad through a call centre or something! That was kind of a horrifying moment. 

#12 My dream house would definitely be in California somewhere. Either Sacramento or Los Angeles! Not sure about where in California, but definitely somewhere in there. 

#13 I hate the heat. I just hate it. I can do well in the cold but the heat is unbearable to me. I also live to swim. Once I get in the pool, don't expect to see me out of the pool before 2 or 3 hours. 

Hope you liked reading these 12 random (and silly) facts about me! Feel free to ask a question or add a comment. And leave a fact or two about yourself too. 


  1. It was nice knowing more about you. And congrats on achieving this amazing feat! ❣

    1. Thanks so much Parvaaz!! Waiting to achieve more..

  2. Can you publish a post about your favorite vacation or places you you you want to visit ??😀

    1. That is definitely coming in one of my nexts. Thanks for the recommendation Sarah!

  3. Your Fitbit's password is Joe Jonas's birth date 😂.. That's one of the things I know about you and You are definitely gonna win Wimbledon ,Trust me... Amazingggg blog 👏👏

    1. Well, I wouldn't deny the fact about my Fitbit watch's password 😂.. And thanks so much for those aspiring words..

  4. Wow! Learned quite a lot about you Inayat. Thanks for sharing and congratulations on making it upto 20 posts!

    1. Thank you so much Zeena.. Stay tuned for more content.


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