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Tracking Your Fitness With Fitbit

Fitness trackers have made it easier to reach your fitness goals by tracking the number of steps you take in a day, the number of calories you burn, the number of floors you climb, the distance you walk, the amount of sleep you get, and so much more! 

Nowadays, you can even get smartwatches worth $100 to $300. These smartwatches not only track your fitness. Some of these have built-in GPS systems too. Not only this, you can moreover receive and make phone calls while your phone's not around. 

I personally believe that Fitbit is one of the best brands for fitness trackers. You can find some of the best trackers by Fitbit on their website

Once you purchase a tracker by Fitbit, install the Fitbit App from Google Play (Android) or App Store (iPhone)  You can install the Fitbit App from Play store right here

7 Features of the Fitbit App that help you use your Fitbit tracker

1. Fitness stats. The key feature of any fitness app: displaying fitness stats. The latest update of the Fitbit app allows you to see the number of steps you take, the distance you've walked, the number of floors you've climbed, the number of minutes you're active, and the number of calories you've burnt. It also shows what your current heart rate is. 

The WHO recommends taking 10,000 steps a day. Fitbit also counts active hours. Active hours are considered when you take 250 steps an hour. You can set your limit for active hours between 5 to 14 hours. 

2. Sleep time. If you wear your Fitbit tracker throughout the night it'll calculate the amount of time you sleep. Not only that, but it'll also tell you how much time you've spent in light sleep, deep sleep, REM, and your awake time as well. 

3. Challenges and adventures. Once you've created a Fitbit account, you are provided with the option of adding friends through email, username, Facebook, or contacts. Adding friends helps you participate in various challenges by Fitbit such as Workweek Hustle, Weekend Warrior, Vernal Falls, Valley Loop, and others. 

These options are available to basic and premium users. If you purchase the premium package, you can participate in a variety of other challenges as well. 

4. Workouts and Guided Programs. Fitstar, an app owned by Fitbit provides users with workouts that are determined by their fitness levels. You can unlock any workout programs under the premium package. 

Guided programs too give an insight into a healthy lifestyle. They provide users with amazing tips to keep their minds stable and amazing and flavorful recipes to enjoy throughout the day. 

5. Mindfulness, wellness reports, and menstrual health. The app provides premium users with weekly wellness reports to help them infer how stable they are. It also provides a menstrual health chart that helps women keep track of their cycle. 

6. Community (Feed, friends, and groups). Fitbit users can post what they're up to in the community section of the app. Here, the public can view your feeds and comment on your photos and stats. You can be a part of various groups such as Daily Activity, Healthy Eating, Cardio, Cycling, Hiking, Running, Sleeping, and a lot more. 

Share your progress with others!

7. Personalized reminders, alarms, and notifications. The Fitbit app gives personal reminders that get you moving. Not only this, you can set up alarms through the Fitbit app which will vibrate through your tracker. Any notifications that come on your phone will show up on the tracker too. 

The Fitbit app has so much more which makes it one of the best fitness apps. Fitbit is going to release the latest model of Fitbit Versa, it's smartwatch tracker: Fitbit Versa 3. Click here to learn more about the Fitbit Versa 3. 

I hope you learn a lot about the working of the Fitbit app from this post. Stay tuned to read more fascinating posts by me. Thanks for skimming through the blog post! 


  1. Amazing post! Looking forward to buy the Fitbit HR.

    1. Thanks! Fitbit HR is an amazing tracker too 👍

  2. Great tips especially about sleep tracking. Fitvibe should pay you for all this advertising 😁

    1. Well, thank you! I wish Fitbit was paying me for all this advertisement work. But I really love their trackers, no doubt.


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