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Toxic traits of A Negative Person: Why Is It Important To Avoid Such People?

Negative people! There is no shortage of such kind of people in the world. 

At times you may feel like getting away from them but have no clue how. Other times, you're not sure that the people you're spending time with are actually negative or not. 

You create a fixed paradigm of these people and believe that they're not the negative ones in your life. But, you may be wrong! This post will help you identify the cynical people that may surround you 24/7. 

7 Traits of Negative people 

1. They are really selfish. 

People with negative personality traits are really selfish and self-centered. It's like the whole world revolves around them. They only care about what they derive from a situation. They wouldn't care if you're stressed about something. But if they're stressed, they'll likely announce it everywhere! 

2. They have an endless list of excuses because nothing is good enough for them. 

Truly, these people are never going to admit their mistakes, ever. For them, they are just the most perfect people and nobody's on par with them. For any little thing they can't do, they blame it on their surroundings. These people refuse to acknowledge their own culpability. If the day is hot, humid and warm, they'll say that they don't like that kind of weather. And when it starts to rain, the day's no longer sunny. And end to excuses? No. 

3. They become jealous freaks. 

In a test, if you score more than your friend does, they might get really jealous and won't talk to you for days. Or if you accomplish something big they'll get upset only because they couldn't accomplish the same. This indicates that you're friend has negative personality traits and he or she will never be happy about your success. They are filled with envy from head to toe. 

4. They can't even act to be nice. 

Toxic people have a habit of not complimenting anyone for their efforts or hard work. They may compliment someone when they feel like it. But they'll never praise anyone they're jealous of or who they don't like. At the end of the day, they're just negative. How can they say soft words to anyone to make their day? 

5. They play the blame game because nothing is good enough for them. 

If something's not going their way, they'll blame it on others. If they can't get their thing right, it'll always be a friend's, parent's, or relative's fault. It can be the government's or the weather's fault too. Some way or the other! But they'll keep playing the blame game until people start feeling that what they're saying is right. 

6. It's hard for them to say 'sorry' or 'thank you'. 

Toxic people don't have the ability to apologise for their deeds. They just can't! Even thanking someone for some thing is hard if the person isn't their "favourite". Because of the fact that they think they're perfect, it makes it hard for them to make somebody else feel acknowledged. They would go through all sorts of convolutions to avoid it. 

7. They are really arrogant. 

I personally believe that this is the worst trait in toxic people. There is a huge difference in being confident and being arrogant. They can never be happy for someone or celebrate their joys as it interferes with their egos and arrogance.

I hope this post has been fruitful for you. It's gonna be so much easier to differentiate between a real and toxic friend now. 

Stay tuned for the upcoming posts. Thanks for reading!


  1. I apologise for having not published any posts for the past 10 days. But don't worry, Sassy Teen will bring to you all sorts of new posts in the coming month. Stay tuned for upcoming posts!


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