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Does drinking water help you lose weight?

Water has so many benefits. There is a reason behind drinking 8 glasses of water a day. But does water really help in losing weight? Well, the simple answer is yes. The more water you drink, the more it's beneficial (and that is obvious without being said). 
          Not many people know this but water isn't only necessary to hydrate yourself. It is also used to transport your food to body parts other than the stomach. If you don't drink enough water, your food would not be transported and that will lead to weight gain. 

★Now, it's time to know 5 points that state the benefits of water and how it can help you lose weight. 

Water before every meal. Drinking water before any meal helps you burn additional calories. Water is an appetite suppressant which makes you feel fuller. One glass of water before any meal reduces much of your craving and unnecessary snacking. A person may actually think they are hungry when they are actually thirsty. So drink water when you feel like snacking. 

Water stimulates metabolism.  A recent study proved that water can help stimulate metabolism by 30% in healthy adults. On the contrary, dehydration can slow down metabolism by as much as 3%. 

● Ice cold water helps burn fat. Your body burns an extra number of calories while bringing the temperature of the cold water to it's own internal temperature. It takes some extra calories to warm the water up which helps in weight loss. It also helps boost metabolism. Ice cold water is more refreshing than water at room temperature. 

Drink water instead of other liquids. Instead of drinking any sugary drinks, drink water instead. Sugary drinks will increase cravings which will lead to weight gain. As water is an appetite suppressant, you wouldn't feel like drinking any sugary drinks. So ditch those Coke Bottles and start drinking water. 

Water and workouts. Water helps you go a long distance with workouts. As you drink water, the chances of cramps or fatigue lessen. Drinking water before, during and after any workout is very important. Water helps your muscles and tissues to work swiftly. It also helps important organs to work effectively. 

★ When to drink those 8 glasses of water? 

Not many people know what I am about to tell you. There are specific times to drink those 8 glasses of water. There are many benefits of drinking water at those specific times. 

I hope you found this post beneficial. Comment below to let me know what you think about the same. Thank you! 


  1. What an awesome post! Learnt so much new about the timings of those 8 glasses of water. The fact about the ice cold water burning calories was the most exciting.

    1. The ice cold water burns calories fact was a little new for me too. And I found all these facts quite wondrous while the research too. Thanks Sarah!

  2. Awesome, wondrous blog!! Loved it, sista! 😂🤗

    1. Thanks so much Parvaaz. So glad that you loved it!!


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