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What I do in a day during lockdown!!


"A daily routine built on good habits and disciplines separates the most successful among us from everyone else".

I know that lockdown has been hard on all of us. But we can learn to build on some good habits and a good daily routine to develop and nourish ourselves for the future. In my 4th blog post I bring to you the activities that I do in a day (for the weekdays) during lockdown. My routine is consistent. It is nothing really fancy, but remember, habits form  a character. The short poem below justifies my sentence really well. 

Sow a thought, and you reap an act;
  Sow an act, and you reap a habit;
Sow a habit, and you reap a character;
  Sow a character, and you reap a destiny

So, set your routine well and follow it. Be disciplined! 

1. I wake up at 6:25 am in the morning. I freshen up and start getting ready for my fitness. Then, I collect all my gear, fill up my water bottle and get my towel.
2. I arrange all my stuff in the living room  at around 6:50. I start warming up and getting ready for the fitness session.

3. My fitness session starts at 7am online on the Zoom Cloud Meeting App. My tennis friends and I do all kinds of strengthening exercises for the arms, core and legs arranged and organised by our coach. The fitness session takes place from Monday to Saturday, twice a day.

4. The session ends at 8. I do some stretching after that while listening to songs from my Spotify playlist.

5. After 20 mins of stretching, I drink my strawberry flavoured whey protein from ON.

6. After stretching, I take a shower to get ready for the day.

7. After this, I do some of my homework or writing portion (anything that we study during the online classes).

8. I take my breakfast at around 9:30 am. I either eat scrambled eggs or omelette or Quaker oats or Daliya or anything else for breakfast.

9. After this comes the part I loathe. Study time! Our online classes on Zoom start at 10 am and end at 12:40 pm. These classes take place from Monday to Friday.

10. After the classes end, I like to eat a little snack that comprises of a banana and some chia seeds soaked in water. I also like to note some ideas for my upcoming blog posts in my little black book.

11. At around 2:15 pm, my family settles down at the dining table to eat our lunch. During lunch, we all play a little quiz game where my dad asks questions and my two little sisters and I compete against each other to earn points. It's a really fun game that helps us increase our IQ level. There are several sorts of things dad asks us questions based on - World History, capitals of different countries, geography and so on.

12. After lunch, I start doing the homework given for the day. After some quality time devoted to homework, I watch something on Netflix. I totally recommend watching Greenhouse Academy. I watched all the 4 seasons and I loved it. The storyline is amazing. The end of season 4 is a cliff hanger, which is why I think there'll be a 5th season.

13. When the clock strucks 5, it's tea time!

14. At 5:20, I start getting ready for the 2nd fitness session of the day. I fill up my water bottle and I get my towel and other requirements ready.

15. The session starts at 6 pm and ends at 7 pm. After the session ends, I start stretching. At 7:30 pm, I drink my strawberry flavoured whey protein once again.

16. I start doing my homework again at around 7:45 pm. Then I take a quick shower at 8:30 pm.

17. At 9 pm, I take my dinner. After finishing dinner, I start looking for more blog post ideas. 

18. Finally, I finish my day at 10 or 10:15 pm. Before sleeping, I always express my gratitude to God for a healthy and auspicious day.

Hope you guys liked my routine during lockdown. Don't forget to:

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Also, remember not to step out of your homes for useless work. Stay home and stay safe.


  1. Your posts are really very helpful. This one will help me remain organised. Thank you :)

    1. That's so good to know. Thank you for your kind words.


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