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My experience from 2019

What did I learn from the previous year?

"Never blame anyone in your life.
    Good people give you happiness.
  Bad people give you experience.
    Worst people give you a lesson
  & best people give you memories".

2019 has been a remarkable journey. I have had some good and memorable experiences and have had to face a little bit of adversity too. That's life!!

      Last year, my family and I had spent 10 days in Greece in April. The trip was amazing and I loved Greece. We visited Athens, Naxos, Paros and of course, Santorini.

A photo of the Temple of the Olympian Zeus in Athens.

A photo of the Apollo Temple in Naxos.

A photo of the beautiful city of Santorini.

A photo of the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens. The only stadium in the world to be completely made of marble.

I also visited the Parthenon in Athens and many other places in Greece too.

I also visited Spain with my dad last year which was mostly a tennis trip with 4 weeks of practice and a week of tournaments. 

This is a photo from the caves of Porto Cristo in Majorca, Spain.

I also had a small hike in my tennis game last year which felt really good. In academics, I did pretty well in my half yearly's of grade 8 too.

But, life is never perfect. I used to shared a special, unique bond with my best friend (I'm not gonna name her). But the bond became too weak in a matter of weeks. My best friend and I fought over a petty issue which led to a really big argument in the last week of September. We stopped talking to each other. We both parted ways. She found new friends and I knew that I had to too. All of this happened in a span of a week. But after a month without talking, I regretted it. She was a friend that had to be held on to.  Months passed without talking.

Finally, I decided to apologise to her. It's hard to say sorry when you have an ego as big as mine. But, I had to apologise to her because she was (and still is) important to me. Instead of apologising to her face-to-face, I decided to send her a message (because she did not want to even look at me). The message I sent her was 500 words long. But the only reply I got was - "Can we talk about it in school please"? I was contended after knowing that at least  she wanted to speak to me. But we never really spoke about this at school and I was still being neglected by her. Finally, I spoke up to her and said that we needed to talk. She finally said that we are still friends. But, it was hard to imagine being friends when she was always "busy" with her new "besties". 
         We don't talk anymore now like we used to. A phone call from her is a very, very rare thing. But I may have moved on. I'm really good friends with one of my classmates and tennis friends, Hargun. Ive known her since 4th grade. We spend 11 hours with each other on a normal school day (6 at school, 5 at tennis). Hargun is a supportive friend. She also gives me her points of view based on a given situation. She listens and would speak after I'm done. She makes fun of me sometimes too (that's what friends do). But one thing she has never done is criticize my decisions. And that is why, I call her a really, really good ally. We may get competitive at times because we both play tennis and have to play against each other. But, we know how to make up after an argument. 
               Two other friends I've found solace in are Parvaaz and Mannat. I've known both of them for a long time but just became really good friends with each of them recently. Both have really given me an aid with my blog. They've been really supportive of my ideas. There are other friends I have who are honest, loyal, and trustworthy. And one of them is my other classmate, Jasmannat.
             I've gotten a year wiser since last year and have realised that a person can take a 180 anytime. You never know! Some people can show their real colors after a long time. Your friend can take a huge leap and be friends with someone else.

But don't worry! There are chances that you can be friends with your former best friend again (there might be slight chances). If not, there is always somebody out there.

I would love to know what story you've got to share and what you've learnt from the previous year. The comment box is all yours. Keep learning, keep progressing! 

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Thanks for devoting some time to read my blog!


  1. Loved this blog. Awesome pics from Greece and Spain. Thanks for mentioning me in the blog. :) hope you can always count on me ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much. Dont miss the upcoming ones.


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